14 نوفمبر 2024
Swapping out eggs, white bread for oatmeal linked to lowered stroke risk
  People who eat oatmeal for breakfast instead of eggs and white toast may be lowering their risk of stroke, a Danish study suggests. Consuming breakfast every day, and oatmeal in particular, has long been linked to reduced stroke risk. But research to date hasn't offered a clear picture of how substituting oatmeal for common breakfast foods like eggs, toast and yogurt might impact stroke risk, the study team notes in the journal Stroke. Researchers examined dietary data on about 55,000 adults in Denmark who were 56 years old, on average, with no history of stroke. At the start, each week, participants consumed an average of 2.1 servings of eggs, 3 servings of white bread, 1 serving of yogurt, and only 0.1 serving of oatmeal

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